6 Weight Loss Ideas to Follow in Lockdown

weight loss tips

People have been pondering over their fitness and health like never before thanks to the pandemic and Work From Home model. As the upside, the pandemic has made people realize the importance of health and fitness in a dark way. For starters,here we have explained the fundamentals on which we have to focus in terms of weight loss.

1. Boost Your Metabolism

Having your metabolism in good working state will help you burn calories efficiently and it gives you the energy to move more. Protein-rich meals help in giving a kick to your metabolism, so does drinking more water.

You can also try replacing your meals with protein shakes (homemade shakes and smoothies) which are packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for healthy, sustainable weight loss.

2.   Choose Healthy Snacks over Junks

Depending upon your eating style, cutting down on junk food may not be an easy job. However, eating more of the right kind of foods may help to stay away from those junk snack cravings.

Now could be the best time to try out some tasty & healthy juices, which could be a brilliant replacement for your afternoon coffee. It might also help you find a diet plan that works best for you- but remember that a sustained, healthy balanced diet with treats every now and then is usually the best long-term solution for weight loss.

3.    Eat Healthy Regularly

When you want to lose weight, consider what you can add to your regular diet rather than what you should not. Make sure your meals are nutritionally balanced with the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats.

Once you figured it out, stick to your diet plan consistently or get help from a dietitian for better nutritional information and guidance on your weight loss. The thing is, once you got your diet plan figured, you got to stick to consistently.

Because, anybody can figure out their diet plan by themselves or get help, what actually would help in your weight loss is, you following your diet plan consistently.

4. The liquids will be on your side

At certain times, your body intermixes signals of thirst and hunger. Drinking plenty of water helps you keep away from unhealthy snacking, and is good for digestion, healthy kidneys, and skin.

Drinking water can also help flush out impurities from one’s body, and improve metabolism rate. You can also add a hint of lemon or a few mint leaves to add flavor to your water. You could begin your day with a glass of water that contains a few drops of lemon juice for a healthy start.

5.  Select Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

Make a habit of  having at least 2-3 fruits every day. Seasonal fruits & vegetables (like mango, water melon in summer) keep you from getting tired of fruits in general.

It’s like they are specially reserved for that season – for giving us the nutrition that our body requires in that specific season. Most of these fruits and vegetables come with a range of healthy antioxidants along with fiber that promotes weight loss. 

6.  Workout Routine

Working out obviously helps with weight loss. Workouts can increase your metabolism or the amount of calories you burn in a day. It also helps you maintain and increase lean body mass, which also helps increase the number of calories you burn each day. 

Workout for at least 45 minutes a day, for 5-6 days a week. You can begin your day with squats and lunges at home. Skipping rope, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, side planks, etc. are other exercises that you can do at your home by yourself.

We believe that this blog would have added value to your knowledge to start off your diet plan. If you still want more diet information and proper guidance from certified dietitians, check out our Online Diet Consultation which could help you lose or gain weight as per your preference.